Monday, June 9, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

I just read the cutest story about a girl suffering from cube-o-phobia and ‘God, can you help me out here?’ syndrome. The story was frosted with a love of French pastry and lots of recipes. There was even a delightful twist on the love interest front. And how could I not love a book that left me with little takeaways like:

Recipes – I categorized Let Them Eat Cake as a cookbook on my bookshelf.

and Scriptures – I love when books fill me up spiritually. I dog-eared a few pages with the intention of revisiting both the recipes and the scriptures.

And last but not least, the cover art with the Marie Antoinette effect leaves you wanting a bite of something frilly and sweet.

The boy and I had to make smooshy-wooshy, sticky-icky, ooey-gooey s’mores because he said, “Mommy, that book keeps making my brain hungry.” :o)

Four Gold Hearts.

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