Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On her wall #3

She’s always crying, the bigger fly buzzed. All she does is sit in the house and cry.
Pathetic, if you ask me, the second fly twitched.

Sheba rolled over on the sofa, snuggling deeper into her fleece blanket.

You remember when she poured that whole bottle of vodka down the drain.
Yeah, the small fly snickered. You almost got sucked down the sink when trying to get a sip.
That was some good stuff, the big one remembered. She should have taken a swig instead of groveling on the floor and calling out to God.

Sheba whimpered from under the covers as she tightened her body into a ball, “Please God, please take the pain away.”

There she goes again, talking to God, the small fly said.
Come on, the big fly jumped off the wall and whizzed away shouting, let’s find something better to watch.
The smaller fly glanced over Sheba. Pathetic, it said again, and flit away.


Unknown said...

Hi Makeda, Love your stories! You have some great talent! Keep it up. I doubt that you remember me but I was a friend of the family back home. Send me an email at Balffi at gmail, i would like to catch up with you and the family. It's been along time!

LoveMakeda said...

Hi! How are you? Thanks for checking out my stories :o) I'll sent you an email shortly.